Thursday, March 31, 2011

Baruch HaShem info 04-01-2011

Shalom! Welcome to Baruch HaShem Messianic Congregation.       
Our prayer is that you will be blessed by the Lord in every part of the service; from the Liturgy and Torah service, to the Praise and Worship, Davidic Dance, and Message.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call our office during the week at (210) 593-0113. Visit us online at for articles, resources, common questions & answers and more!

Senior Rabbi & Congregational Leader: 
Rabbi Roi Garcia
Associate Rabbi:  Carl Jones
Spanish Service: Cesar Castillo
Assist. Rabbi: Tim Hyslip (BHS, Phoenix AZ)
Manny Rodriguez (BHS Del Rio, TX)
Elders: Head Elder Frank Morin, 
Richard Blanton, Richard Medina, David Sanchez
Cantor & Torah Service: Marc Arizola
Shamashim (Deacons):
Lead Deacon - Roger Martinez,
Monica Anderson,  Houman Ashkanzad,
David Gatzke, Nathaniel Pierson,  Ray Ramos
Trustees:  Louis Garcia, Andrew Garcia
Chaplain Ministry: Jon Poteet, John Addcock
Dance Spiritual Leaders: Mari Garcia, Frank Morin
Davidic Dance: Lynn Morin & Anissa De La Garza
Havdalah: Scott Blum
Hebrew Class: Amy Waggoner
Home Group Ministry: David Lopez
Messianic Teacher:  Joseph Zavala
Missions:  Harold and Rosa Rosenberg
M’Shalim Drama/Men’s Dance:  Ezra Yarvi
Music Director:  Frank Morin
Prison Ministry: Harold Neelley
Visual Effects:  David Gatzke
Women’s Ministries:  Mari Garcia
Yeshua’s Children: (2-6):  Tina Martinez,
(7-9) Brenda Barabasz, (10-12) Kathy Jones (Secretary)
Youth Leader: Christyne & Mario Hernandez

Service Times
Fridays, 7:25pm, English Service with Senior Rabbi Roi Garcia, in the main Sanctuary.
Fridays, 8:45pm, Spanish Service with Cesar Castillo
Saturdays, English Service with Associate Rabbi Carl Jones in the Chapel.
~ 10am Traditional Shabbat Service and 11:30am Contemporary Worship Service
Havdalah (Shabbat Closing) – 7:00pm in the Chapel

10:00am à 11:00am Traditional Shabbat Service
11:30am à 12:30pm Contemporary Service
7:00pm à 8:30pm Havdalah Service

2:00pm à 3:00pm Beg. & Inter. Davidic Dance
3:00pm à 4:00pm M’Shalim ~ Drama Team
3:00pm à 4:00pm Beginners Hebrew Class
4:00pm à 5:00pm  Intermediate Hebrew Class

7:30pmà 8:30pm   Digging Deeper Bible Study

7:00pm à 8:30pm  Women’s Ministries Meeting on the 1st Wednesday of each month

7:30 à 8:30pm  Intercessory Prayer on the last   Wednesday of each month